How To Polish Marble?

Marble Polishing

If your house has marble flooring, you are well aware that smooth, shiny surfaces enhance their appearance. Has use caused some of the shine on your once-bright marble to fade? On polished marble, dull patches are typical; in fact, you may easily repair the odd defect. The greatest part is that, with the aid of a few specialized materials, you can complete this on your own. Learn how to bring back its beauty with a few specific stone products.

Begin With A Clean Slate

You undoubtedly often sweep away crumbs and clean up spills and splatters with a fast wipe, but you’ll go a bit further when it comes to truly shining up the surface of your marble.

After dusting and wiping your marble with a delicate, dry cloth, moisten the surface with a damp sponge. Next, use a professional marble cleaner that has been approved by the manufacturer, or use a moist towel and a few drops of mild, non-abrasive dishwashing liquid. Using whichever cleaner you want, apply it all over the marble, rubbing away any residue or other dirt. Wipe the cleanser off the marble with a fresh, moist towel. Utilize an unused microfiber towel or chamois to dry.

Remove Stains

You might choose to manufacture your marble stain remover or buy a professional one for more difficult spots. To make your DIY poultice and get rid of the stains, do the following:

  • Half a cup of hydrogen peroxide and one tablespoon of ammonia should be combined.
  • Add baking soda gradually until the mixture has a thick, creamy consistency (think sour cream or peanut butter).
  • Once the desired texture has been created, apply the poultice to the discolored areas using a fresh paintbrush.
  • Spread the stain to a minimum of one inch beyond its boundaries and cover it to a depth of one to two inches.
  • The poultice should then be covered with plastic wrap, being sure to tighten the edges.
  • Wait 12 to 24 hours for the poultice to solidify completely.
  • Once the poultice has dried completely, take off the plastic cover and use a razor blade or spatula to delicately scrape the poultice away. To make the poultice easier to scrape, you may also add half a cup of water to gently moisten it.
  • Using a fresh, moist towel, be careful to remove any last bits of poultice residue before wiping the marble till it dries.

Sand The Top Of Your Marble

Many people are unaware that sanding marble countertops and other surfaces is best done when they are wet. Throughout the procedure, keep spraying the area with a water spray bottle. Using a palm sander or sanding block, sand in a circular motion using 120-grit sandpaper. Proceed to 300 and then 600 grit sandpapers and repeat the procedure with ever-finer sandpapers. Finally, use a moist sponge to wipe up any remaining dust.


You may buy marble polishing powder from hardware stores to restore the luster to your dishes if they have been somewhat etched by acidic meals or cleaning chemicals (be sure to check with the marble maker which they recommend). To get rid of the etching, use marble cleaning powder and a damp cloth. Apply the powder in the recommended manner using a damp cloth. Once dried, the marble will regain its glossy appearance.

Seal The Marble

Marble may be sealed to enhance its gloss and increase its resistance to tough stains. Ideally, marble countertops should have a seasonal sealing done, but at least twice a year. Manufacturers of marble worktops can provide advice on appropriate products.

Pay close attention to the sealer’s instructions. The majority of specialized marble sealants are sprayed or poured over the marble. Using a dry cloth, apply a sealer to marble countertops and let it set for the manufacturer’s specified period, usually less than five minutes.

To allow the sealer to enter the marble, gently rub it with a clean, dry cloth. Buff the marble until all of the sealer has been absorbed and it is absolutely dry. Buffing a marble surface to a glossy sheen might help repair a gummy or sticky surface

Ways To Maintain Clean Marble Countertops For Longer

Though expensive to install, marble worktops may be kept in perfect condition in several ways. To keep your countertops looking great for many years to come, consider the following tips:

  • Keep acidic drinks away from marble countertops, such as wine and tomato juice. Wipe up spills right away.
  • Stains and scuffs may be avoided by regularly using coasters, cutting boards, and trivets.
  • Marble countertops should never be used to slide pans and cutting boards.
  • For protection against stains and scratches, reseal marble surfaces every three to six months. All marble countertops do not need to be sealed often, therefore before sealing, always check with the countertop’s manufacturer.

The Best Marble Cleaning Tools

Use the proper tools for the task to keep your marble floors spotless. Steer clear of anything sharp or abrasive that might harm the delicate surface of marble. Your marble will be better protected by soft items like dust mops and chamois towels than by abrasive sponges and brushes. Because dry erasers clean surfaces by abrading them, they are especially not recommended.

Marble should never be cleaned with acidic cleaners like vinegar or lemon juice. For best results, use neutral water or alkali cleaning solutions like hydrogen peroxide and ammonia to avoid etching or interacting with the marble.

When selecting cleaning products, don’t forget to consider the precise color and composition of your marble floor. Ammonia and hydrogen peroxide are strong alkalis that can be used to bleach black stone. Always start with a small, discrete area when testing any cleaning. Use a neutral solution, such as water or a pH-balanced marble cleanser, to start while cleaning marble, and only use stronger solutions when necessary. Always neutralize the pH of any remaining chemicals on your marble floor by flushing the area with plain water after cleaning, and then completely dry the area.